Launched in June with a first issue focusing on the call of the forest and the people who depend on it, Natives has just published its second issue, with a fine dossier on "Elles" and the figures of the sacred feminine, sometimes valued, often abused.
We meet exceptional women, warriors who defend education and their language, fight against female circumcision, guardians of the dream in Australia and women shamans. The dossiers take us down paths that all have as their common thread a feminism that respects both poles of humanity.
Flipping through this magazine, we meet Satish Kumar, a former Jain monk who shares his views on the root peoples, Nancy Lopez, a Wichi cacique from northern Argentina who is fighting to preserve her culture, Nicolas Hulot, who talks about his encounters with the first peoples, and Matthieu Ricard, who is developing Tibetan Tantric Buddhism.

The magnificent photos by Emilie Chaix (including the cover) and the watercolours by Slovia Roginski illustrate and add to these multi-faceted approaches with luminous stones that light up our consciousness.

Natives editorial line
Favouring the direct voice of the representatives of the root peoples of the five continents.
To highlight the modernity of the voices of these peoples and the enrichment that Western civilisation can draw from them, not with a view to re-enchanting the world but to uplifting everyone in a spirit of respect for humanity, nature and the planet.
To enable a fruitful exchange between their traditional knowledge and our modern world, through articles recounting their collaborations and joint work, particularly with scientists.
Natives aims to show just how much these cultures are alive and vital to the construction of a desirable future for humanity as a whole.
Local sponsors
Pierre Rabhi (Ecology), Yann Arthus-Bertrand (Activist), Véronique Jannot (Artist), Ernst Zürcher (Science), Marc Luyckx Ghisi (Economics/Philosophy), Catherine Jeandel (Ocean and Climate), Cyrielle Hariel (Media), Brando Crespi (Innovation/Economy).
Roots" sponsors
Assossa, Puvi-Pygmy shaman (Gabon), MundiyaKepanga, Papuan chief (Papua New Guinea), Ann Mary Sawyersaux (United States), IvanicePires Tanoné, Kariri-Xocoau cacique (Brazil), Liudmila Oyun (Siberia).
Liudmila Oyun, Siberian shaman

Originally from Tuva, in the heart of Asia, Liudmila Oyun received her initiation in 2001 at the "Khattyg-Tayga" spiritual centre founded by the shaman Kanchyyr-ool, her teacher. Her poems in the Tuva language dedicated to the shamanic drum were published in 2002. She has given numerous seminars in Europe and taken part in scientific conferences. The spirits of lakes, mountains, forests, ancestors and nature, as well as the animals of power, accompany her on her shamanic journeys.
To subscribe or buy the magazine: www.revue-natives.com